Monthly portfolio

Monthly portfolio – May 2021

It is time to share with you the most important information from primary and secondary market, and all that happened on the platform last month. In May iuvo kept making the investors happy with better opportunities and new campaigns. We gave you details about the results of our originators and we published useful articles that can help you invest more efficiently.

What happened on iuvo in May?

– Viva Credit shared more information about their results for 2020 and the beginning of 2021;

– We got you closely acquainted with the holding iuvo is part of – Management Financial Group;

– We launched a promotional campaign with iCredit Poland;

– We shared an interview with our partners Adwisers;

– Ibancar is the next originator that shared more details about their performance;

– We explained why liquidity is important and how liquid your investments with iuvo are;

See what transactions were made on primary and secondary market in the past month:


You can download the file HERE.

In the “Monthly portfolio” section in our blog, detailed presentations about the previous months on iuvo await you.

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