
How does iuvo give you stability, regardless of the situation?

Our investors’ trust is being built every day with the help of several factors we do not compromise with. We would like to share with you more about the process that is in the base of our stability, our decisions, and our unshakable energy, that we use to do our business.

Our experience

We are successfully reaching milestones on the market of P2P investing for almost four years with our family of investors from 143 countries around the world. Iuvo is part of Management Financial Group (MFG) – a holding, that contains leading companies in its structures, that are specialized in the non-bank financial services in Central and Eastern Europe. The holding has high capitalization, revenue growth of 9.9%, and assets in the amount of 61 695 000 euro (according to records for 2018). MFG manages a rich portfolio of successful business models in the sector of personal loans, financing of micro and small businesses, credit cards, digital business, and other alternative financial models. Behind the successful work of iuvo are standing partners with 15 years of experience, that were able to go successfully through many challenges.

Our originators

We from iuvo are conservative when adding new originators to the platform. We have strict and transparent criteria. Each partner, that wants to be part of our family, goes through deep analysis, periodic financial inspections and quality control of the portfolio.

We list only a certain segment of the assets of the credit companies. Iuvo is the platform where the originators keep the biggest part of a loan (skin in the game), which guarantees the safety of your funds. We carefully decide if an originator is trustworthy in order to be a partner of ours. It is important for us to not only have a lot of partners, but to be sure that we work with the best on the market.

Besides all of that, each iuvo originator’s contract has a clause that includes providing a group guarantee for all receivables on the platform, when the institution is part of a bigger holding structure.

The yield and stability of iuvo

The standard bank deposit brings less than one percent yield. In comparison with iuvo, where the average annual return rate is 9.2%. In iuvo you can freely choose in what loans to invest, which really helps your yield grow. Such freedom gives you the possibility to decide what type of investor you would like to be, to change your strategy according to your needs and to gain the best for yourself. We are here to answer your questions and to help find the best solutions for you. Our return rate is competitive with the other leading platforms, and one of our advantages is the way lower level of risk.

If we take a look at the P2P market in general as well, we can see that it differs from the other capital markets. At the moment, going through these challenging times, no one in iuvo has suffered losses, unlike the stock market, where investors lost over 50% of their assets.

Another factor, that is worth paying attention to, is the fact that we have very few loans with extended maturity. We do not have any delayed withdrawals towards investors and we believe that our correctness to everyone that has trusted us is mandatory.

During these two months of facing challenges and living in the unknown, we worked hard, although from home, in order to continue to offer the highest quality of our service.

The highlights of our work:

–  we added a new originator from Russia, that offers 12 to 18% interest rate for their loans;

–  with the adding of the newest originator, the maximum profit, available on iuvo, increased – 18%!

–  all of our originators remained in good financial health with enough of liquidity reserve, which led to long-term stability of the invested funds;

–  we proceed with the withdrawal requests in the same period that it was before the state of emergency – within two working days;

–  the moratorium for the loans in Bulgaria did not affect the non-bank financial institutions, which allowed our biggest originator and partner Easy Credit (part of MFG) to collect debts, to ensure profit for iuvo’s investors, and to maintain the group guarantee of all originators from the MFG holding – an opportunity that is not on any other P2P platform;

–  the percentage of the loans with extended maturity is less than 1% of all loans on the platform.

Thanks to the trust of our investors, we succeeded to keep going forward and to overcome the already passing challenges. It is important for us to have a direct communication with you, and to focus on the transparency and useful data. We know that you need this information and direct connection with us in order to invest safe and with no worries. We believe that the situation is getting back to normal and that we are successfully taking timely decisions. We keep working at full speed, so you can get the best for yourself and to be happy with a pleasant investor’s experience with iuvo.

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